February Winners
Free Pizza Cambridge Pizza Pub Trent Carter
Free Meal Chapala Todd Keller
Email us to Claim your Prize at:
We are just beginning Our Expansion into your Area
Please contact us for details on how your business can benefit
Text or Call: 612-810-9063 for Rick
Thank You
Stay Local Save Big
Stay Local Save Big Online is all about promoting and supporting locally-owned, independent businesses. It’s about making your hard-earned money go further, fueling the local economy, and helping to preserve the unique character of our communities.You make a difference!
Save money advertising your business online. Stay Local Save Big has the answers and the plan.Benefits of E-Mail Marketing
- Return on investment is roughly about $47.00 for every dollar spent (national average).
- We are a certified sender of e-mails which means your messages will go into customers in-box, not to SPAM or TRASH!
- Emails are sent out bi-monthly and as needed.
- System will send out Welcome, Birthday, and Anniversary offers to your database of loyal customers.
- We do all the work including collecting & inputing e-mails & sending your campaigns.
- Your business is highlighted on my Monthly Newsletter sent to the entire area each month! This means NEW BUSINESS for You!!
- We also build a mini-website for this newsletter to display your website, offers, promotions, and specials.
- All info can be forwarded to another e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Customers love the convenience of being able to find your coupons, special promotions, and events in their in-box.
- We can do a newsletter at the start of the month, then follow up with new offers and promotions for your business
- We supply you with a collection box or fishbowl & sign-up slips to collect your loyal customers e-mails.
- If you have an existing database we'll download it into our system to send your customers a welcome offer.
- We customize each program individually to meet your needs and do not require a contract. Contact us today to discuss your free trial: 612-810-9063