Stay Local Save Big

West Metro
Serving Plymouth, Crystal, Golden Valley, New Hope, and Surrounding Areas
Advertise with in your community

What We Do!

 February Winners 

FREE Pizza Frankie's Mitch Reeves

Free Pizza Crystal Pizza Man Jon Hoover

Free Meal Tequila Town Club Jane Hopkins

If you see your name email us to claim your prize:

Be sure to make our website one of your favorites

Check Back Every Month!

Our goal is to develop this area/website into a complete shopping experience with coupons available 24/7 for multiple businesses. Please feel free to contact us if you have a business in mind:


Do you have or know a business that would like a Digital Marketing Program?

 Stay Local Save Big's unique marketing plan is the
future of marketing NOW!  We can help you maximize repeat traffic
from your existing customer base while promoting your business to
thousands of potential new customers.

We do this by:

Working with you to create your own email database of existing
customers.  We provide the materials and expertise necessary to
gather the information.  Then we do the difficult and time consuming
task of uploading and managing the data for you. 

We create and send "Branded" emails to your customers that include
your logo, contact information, updateable information about your products
and services, and the ablility to link to your own website.  Included as well
are special offers from you in the form of coupons to encourage your customers
to "keep coming back"!

Stay Local Save Big encourages your customers to forward your emails
to family and friends that might have a need for your products or services.
This is the "Word of Mouth" marketing for the new millennium.

As technology evolves so will we, bringing you the latest ways to
stay in touch with all of your customers very affordably.

If you would like to set up a time to gather more information about our services,

Please call us at: 612-810-9063

Thank You